we offer



Modern braces are more comfortable and streamline than they used to be. We regularly avoid the need for bands that wrap all the way around teeth. We offer silver, gold, and tooth-colored braces. The braces are very efficient due to advanced wire compositions and bracket dimensions.

Invisalign®/ Clear Aligners

Invisalign®/ Clear Aligners

Invisalign has impacted orthodontics more than any other treatment method in modern history. Invisalign has evolved from something originally used only for treating mild misalignment to an essential tool for treating the most complex of treatments. Virtually anyone who wishes to have their treatment performed with Invisalign can have it. We are in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the world. We know how to use Invisalign extremely efficiently to obtain your gorgeous smile.

TMJ/ Myofascial Issues

TMJ/ Myofascial Issues

The muscles and fascial tissues surrounding and radiating from the TMJ complex will sometimes spasm as a result of bite interferences or disharmonious occlusion. These symptoms can range from occasional annoyances to debilitating. Oftentimes, orthodontic treatment alleviates or decreases the symptoms. We also work with TMJ specialists for interdisciplinary treatment of TMJ issues.

All Ages

All Ages

We would like to see anyone between the ages of eight and 108 years of age for a consultation. For those of you younger than eight, ask mom or dad to sign you up for our Kids’ Club. It’s fun and we have drawings for prizes and gifts!
Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.